So even though it has been a while since my last post, I wanted you all to know that I am still alive, and just got into Barcelona. But let's rewind, shall we? I just got ahead of myself at American pace, let alone the pace of things in Spain: 15 minutes late is 5 early.
Although I was sad to leave Lisbon (or LIZbon har har har), I am absolutely in love with Madrid. I suprisingly slept ten of the eleven hours of my night train to Madrid and went straight to seeing the city with my tour guide, and family friend, Mike. Within my first few hours, I walked through Plaza Mayor, the Egyptian Temple, Palacio Real and a bunch of other places that seemed to blur together and became the source of extreme fatigue and leg soreness. After a three hour siesta, Mike, his roommate, other friend and I managed to get some tapas. The beauty of tapas in Madrid is that you order a beer and food just starts piling on the table. Our meal cost us 4 Euros each, but I got an extra beer, so it was really and an 8 Euro meal. Money well spent, I'd say.
Mike (left) and me (right) |
Yesterday, I managed to wake up early and get over to the Museo de Prado and the Reina Sofia, two amazing art museums in the city. It was fun to take some time and stare at some Bosch, Picasso and Dali--oh so surreal. Cue the second seista and then we were out on the town, first to see the band of one of Mike's friends (who happens to be from Appleton, WI), then over for a Kwak at another bar and then to Louie Louie to hang out with the band. What is really interesting about Madrid is that it has a really punk and rock'n roll edge. Totally my scene, but not so much for Andy, who really wishes that some of Berlin's disco was in his new city. Actually, Madrid reminded me of Chicago in a lot of ways--probably that it's really down to earth and underappreciated.
OH, and to backtrack once again, guess what I found at Louie Louie? A bumper sticker of Delilah's!!! If that isn't a sign, I don't know what it is. There has been a lot of random talk of "destiny," "fate" and "signs" on this trip, especially with all the chance meeings and wandering into random sections of cities one is likely to come across on an adventure such as this one. I don't necessarily believe in any predestination, BUT if it means that my trip is destined for greatness, I'll take it.
I feel like you should start to superimpose (right word?) me into these photos so I feel like I'm living your awesome life. Or at least I can claim to be. I am super jealous!! the blog is great btw. You're such a little hipster writer!! Keep it comin dude!
Delilah's bumper sticker in Madrid? That makes no sense.
Woah. Delilah's, represent.