Anyway, packing is also an issue right now because 30 days is hitting me pretty hard right now. Thanks again for everyone who came to my Bon Voyage party or found me this weekend to make me promise I'll be safe, my favorite being the promise that a Liam Neeson pack is all set for when I have to be saved, Taken style. Thanks again, BML. Oh, and I feel like a shout out is in order for the MBA that happened last night. Micaela, how I've missed you.
And if anyone is wondering. Yes, I have seen Taken. No, I have not seen Hostel or Eurotrip. I don't really know, or care what happened in those movies. I'm gonna make up my own adventure. Only the first month is actually planned; I figure I could wing it a lot better in the English speaking countries. Here's the approximate layout of where I'll be when:
Leave on Jan 31st
Feb 1-Feb 3 Lisbon
Feb 3-6 Madrid
Feb 6-10 Barcalona
Feb 10-13 Paris
Feb 13-16 Munich
Feb 16-20 Berlin
Feb 20-23 Copenhagen
Feb 23-27 Amsterdam
Feb 27-March 5 London (plus a trip to Stonehenge)
March 5-10 Edinburgh
March 10-14 Belfast
March 14-21 Dublin/Cork
Home on the 22nd
So the purpose of this blog is to give updates about what I'm up to while in Europe. Maybe some of the sites, interesting stories that I'm probably dying to tell someone, and put up some pictures. As I'm bouncing from hostel to hostel, or couch to couch, I am wondering about how you all are doing and thinking about how great Senior Spring will be when I'm back!